How Many Years Is A Michigan Driver License Good For

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How Many Years Is A Michigan Driver License Good For

Driver's License is up for Renewal or Expires While You are Out of State Temporary extension permits A temporary extension permit may be issued at no cost if you are out of state when your driver's license expires. The permit allows you to legally drive with an expired license, with the understanding that you will be returning home within the permit's specified time frame. It can be issued for up to 180 days but the length of time will be determined based on your situation. Only one permit is issued and it cannot be extended or renewed once it expires. You can continue to drive with your permit when you return home for two weeks or until the permit expires, whichever occurs first. Therefore, you are urged to renew your driver's license as soon as possible once you are back in Michigan.

A permit cannot be issued for an expired Commercial Driver License. Commercial drivers are encouraged to renew their license before leaving the state if there is any question about returning in time before the license expires. If you are out of state and your license expires, contact the Special Services Branch for assistance in obtaining a temporary extension permit. Out of state with an expired license -- renew online or by mail You may be eligible to renew your expired driver's license by mail or online through if you are out of state more than 180 days past your license expiration date. Infopath Form Template Installer Tool. Contact the Special Services Branch to verify your license type and determine whether you can renew by mail or online. Renewing by mail You will be asked to provide proof of Michigan residency and your Social Security number before your renewal can be processed. A vision statement from a licensed eye-care specialist will be required.

How Many Years Is A Michigan Driver License Good For

An out-of-state request may take up to six weeks to complete. Renewing online To renew online, you must be a U.S. Citizen, have a valid Social Security number on file with the Secretary of State, and cannot have renewed by mail or online the last time you renewed your driver's license. Online renewal is not yet available for enhanced licenses. Michigan law requires that you renew your license every eight years in person at a Secretary of State office. If you received a renewal notice stating that you must renew in person, or if you are ineligible to renew by mail or online for any reason, you may be able to obtain a temporary extension permit or renew by an alternate process. Contact the Special Services Branch for further information before attempting to renew your license when out of state.

A driver's license is usually valid for four years and expires on your birthday in the year shown on the license's upper-right corner. If you are under age 21, your driver's license will expire on your 21st birthday. May 10, 2009. It wasn't exactly the border between Canada and the U.S., but at the checkout lane at Target my new enhanced Michigan driver's license was drawing. It's good for 10 years, will take you everywhere U.S. Citizens are allowed to travel, and if you pro-rate the cost, you're paying about $10 per year for the life.

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