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Basic Options SOURCE SELECTION This is the most important module parameter. Here you define the area on your site where the module will look for Joomla articles to display. There are four options available: All Categories By selecting 'All categories' you make that module to work with all articles on your site. This option is often used together with filters by tags, by author or by date.
Selected Categories Here you can select one or several categories (Ctrl + click) where the module will look for articles to display. This option works together with Category Filter.
• Include - the module will search within only those categories you selected; • Exclude - the module will search within all other categories, excluding the categories selected. If you select a parent category, the module will show articles only from this category. If you want to show articles from its subcategories you just need to select them too. Current Category Module can display lists of items dynamically, depending on current category. So when publishing the module in a certain category, the module automatically detects the current joomla category and displays articles only from it. This option is extremely useful when you place the module in several categories.
• Include - the module displays Joomla articles only from current category; • Exclude - the module displays Joomla articles from all other categories, excluding articles from current category. Certain Articles To display some specific articles in the module you just insert the article IDs separated by comma in this field. The Aquabats Hi Five Soup Download Itunes. It doesn’t matter if these articles belong to one or several categories. FILTER SETTINGS Here you decide on how to process (filtrate, order) the content selected. All the items in the module display are divided into two groups - TOP items and items. This smart structure lets you easily enhance the most important news by creating particular views for TOP items with e.g. Larger text and bigger thumbnails.
Besides, TOP and regular articles can have their own sets of content elements like date, author, hits, number of comments, rating, etc. Number of TOP items Set the number of TOP items to display in the module block. Some module templates don’t use TOP items (e.g.
All-mode Bricks), so in this case you need to set TOP items = 0. Number of Items Set the number of items to display in the module block. Tags Select from the list of available tags and the module will display only the articles that use the tags selected. If you want to filter the articles only by tags (not by categories), then select “All Categories” in the field Categories (see the documentation above).
Authors This extremely useful filter helps you to form lists of articles written by a concrete author or several authors. There are many ways how you can apply author filters to your Joomla site. Create a list of Joomla articles by a certain author The module can filter all the articles from every category of your site by an author.
You just select this author from the list of author names in the module settings. The same way you can use author alias.
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