Audio Cracking Tascam 144 Mk2

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Audio Cracking Tascam 144 Mk25

So after a four hour fight getting my interface running on a newly built Haswell machine. The Tascam US-144 works perfectly under Windows 8 64-bit on a Z87 motherboard, if you use the US-144MkII driver, version 2.03. Rock-solid in Reaper via ASIO at 'lowest' driver latency setting. According to Tascam the non-MkII interface isn't supported by this driver. Earlier versions of the driver do not work with Windows 8 (at least, not for me). Driver link: Submitted so Google will index this and hopefully save someone in the future much hair-pulling! Regular Posts: 169 Joined: Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:00 am Location: NEW England.

Massive thanks for posting this. I have been going crazy trying to get my Tascam US-144 to work on a 64-bit Windows 7 box. After 8 hours of trawling forums with various keywords (specifically avoiding MkII), I somehow reached this post. Robot Vision B K P Horn Ebook Store. So, to augment the good work you have started, here are a few keyword-laden sentences to describe the problem and its solution for the search engines. I have had a problem getting my Tascam US-144 audio interface to work on my 64-bit Dell Precision laptop running Windows 7.

Audio Cracking Tascam 144 Mk2

After installing the latest firmware and drivers, the interface continued to stutter and produce clicks that sounded a little bit like static. Audio sounded faint and heavily distorted as though only some of the signal bits were being passed to the device. Thanks to the above post, I tried installing the latest drivers for the Tascam US-144 MkII interface instead, specifically and my problem was solved.

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