Archon Engineering Software Downloads

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Ginger, I have used Prokon and its good and affordable. Byomkesh Bakshi All 54 Episodes Hindi Download here. A more expensive option for design and detailing that it really worthwhile, (I thought anyway) is CADS 8110 - it is a structural analysis, design, drafting and detailing package I came across when I was in Singapore. I don't have a web address for them but they were marketted by a company called QE Design Systems in Singapore - Tel: 65 224 2883; fax no: There is also an Australian package I foudn to be very good called SpaceGASS. Again I don't have a web address but if you search for SpaceGass you should find it easily. Good luck, Bridgeman RE: Structural Analysis and Design Software. I am Looking for a truss calculation program using light gauge steel (american standards)members.

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Archon Engineering Software Download FreeProjects

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